There are 34 messages in the Guest Book of Kate Gretasair:
James |
2024-09-28 16:53:18 |
Kate, I love the whimsey of your art and the delicate way you compose your scenes. It's stylized and very characteristic of you and the glow you bring to the world.
Keep on creating!
Best, James
John |
2023-10-03 23:43:35 |
Kate, Your work is a strong favorite of mine. I love both your colors and your compositions. Your work shows great imagination and is whimsical and beguiling at the same time. Your wide range of genres are executed with excellent skill resulting in exquisite beauty. I’m a big fan of your talent. Of coarse you know the Jackie portraits are my favorites. Thank you for share your wonderful gift.
Michael |
2023-09-23 18:35:19 |
Syl has been showing me your artwork. Beautiful! Syl says he loves you
Polly Olson |
2023-03-24 11:14:58 |
Kate, I just wanted to thank you for the beautiful painting. Thank you for sharing your talent and generosity. I found the perfect place to hang it & it’s not behind a door. lol It’s now one of the first things seen when entering the front door. Thank you so very much.
Polly Olson Riverton, WY
Jan |
2022-09-04 12:51:41 |
Hey there, “you crusty old bird”. I love your new work. Looking forward to getting together sometime this Fall when it finally cools down. In the meantime, keep up the good work.
Peter Myers |
2022-05-19 15:26:28 |
Kate, Thank you very kindly for your oil painting of "Peanut the Parrot." You have portrayed my pet bird as a ballerina a feathered princess in red shoes; it is a wonderful merging of fantastic reality with intimacy. You are a talented artist and a lovely person.
Caroline |
2022-03-27 16:45:07 |
Hi Kate Dennis forwarded me your link. I love your website!! It’s really well put together and showcases all of your work. Nice job! I hope everything is going well
Dennis Affleck |
2022-03-22 20:04:03 |
Kate, I really love the two new Whacky Birds paintings. “Dinky Pinky”is so delicate. The color combinations are great. The painting ‘Uuhhh - Is That a Piece of the Sky that's Falling?” hat puts a smile on my lips. Thank you so much for the Wacky Bird collection and I hope there will be more. Love Denn
Barbara McFarlin |
2022-03-09 01:41:34 |
Kate-I picked up my painting last week. It’s beautiful! Thanks so much! I sent a copy to my son and his wife. They loved it! They sent it to friends in the Bay Area whom I’m sure will send it to their friends. Thanks again.
Byron Rantala |
2022-01-24 00:05:41 |
Kate,I love your site… I can’t believe how prolific you are, amazing. Your diverse painting skills are off the charts! You have created so much beautiful art and it is always a joy to see all the different styles and subjects. It is especially fun to see some paintings I’ve not seen for a long time, like the Mya inspired bird…I love it! Your head and figure paintings are totally awesome, your skills are amazing! You inspire me! Thanx for sharing your talent! Keep ‘em coming!
Dennis Affleck |
2022-01-20 11:31:52 |
I have been following Kate’s work for well over 20 years. One of my favorite aspects of her art is the use of color. I also love the whimsy in some of her work. The whacky bird collection is a perfect example. Other works like the Milk Maid and Tug of the Glove take my breath away. The love and care she puts into the 3D boxes makes them so charming and wonderful. So Thanks Dear Kate for your awesome art and your website. I know I’ll be returning to it many times. Love Dennis
Barbara |
2022-01-19 17:48:18 |
I to am a Californian ! Both of my sons live in No. Ca. One in Moraga the other in Truckee .
Sally Munson |
2021-10-02 13:22:02 |
I am always so amazed at the artistic talent that Kate possesses. Some of my favorties are:
Charlie in the Chicken Coop Girl in the Pink Hat The Yellow House Milky Way Jackie Kennedy Log Cabin
The humans looks so realistic. I've shown her paintings to friends and they are euqally impressed with her talent. "Keep up the Good Work, Kate!"
Syl |
2021-09-29 17:30:48 |
Hi Kate! Congratulations on the new website! Beautiful layout, I love all the Galleries! Who did your Portrait? It captures YOU! Love ya! Syl
Pauline irawan |
2016-10-27 13:28:21 |
I got your info from my Medicare client Richard linker, I am really interested in buying your art Are you doing a show soon ?
Ron Stafford |
2016-01-25 07:56:17 |
Sally |
2014-12-03 20:33:40 |
Hi Kate, everything you do is so good! Glad you love what you are doing. I remember you were interested in art "back I the day" when we were in school together. I especially like "Standing on the "Corner", "Afternoon Shadows" & "Vermeer Milkmaid"
Bernard Burns |
2014-02-24 15:54:39 |
Hello Kate. A voice from the past. Glad to see your work online now.
Bernard Burns |
2014-02-24 15:53:46 |
Hello Kate; Your work is still lovely. I enjoy the pieces I have. Glad to see you are still at it.
Carol Cadotte |
2014-01-08 16:27:11 |
Kate - wow, you are so talented! What a range... it's amazing how you can paint something like "The Maid" and then the Whacky Bird series. So fun to see, so impressive --well done girl!
Kay |
2013-12-30 14:48:10 |
Love your new series.
Syl |
2012-08-03 16:07:35 |
Wow! What an eclectic collection of pieces - you are truly a talent and I enjoy where your paintings take me! Thank you for sharing your soulful talents with us - you "crusty old bird!" Love Ya!!
David schilling |
2012-07-30 10:41:05 |
Hey Kate, I was showing a friend your website xoxo. Be in touch soon,, your paintings are great.. My friend is a bronze artist, he loved your work..
ted radamaker |
2012-07-19 08:02:25 |
Brings me back to good places.This brings me double happyness.s
Del Newman |
2012-07-14 19:25:14 |
I like the 'new' flat for rent. Sure makes me think of SF. Hope to see you this year.
Cameron |
2012-06-27 21:03:03 |
Fabulous Kate! Such a smorgasbord of creative expression ... from bold bright colors to subtle soft palates, from fantasy and whimsy to photo realism. Deep bow of appreciation for your skills and your creativity. Cameron
Lorine Stone |
2012-06-24 16:57:03 |
The picture of the flats is so familiar to someone who hasn't been "home" in a long time. I like all of your paintings. Lorine
Kath |
2012-02-21 13:28:37 |
Hi Kate,
Love your website. It's such a treat to see it all at once. Great photo!
Susie |
2012-02-07 10:39:06 |
Nice photo. Wonderful art. Great site. Lovely place to hang around in. Thanks for the eye gift. Thought I would see the grain ladies....;-}
Diane |
2012-01-18 15:23:00 |
Hey Kate:
Nicely done - and I recognize my special place in your biography!
I'm not sure about "crusty old bird" though. You are pretty mellow!
Eileen Newman Dickerson |
2012-01-07 11:05:23 |
Great Website! I like ALL of your art, but particularly the Whimsical series. Good luck!
Ronnie Ouellette |
2012-01-02 11:26:42 |
I work with Suzanne, she sent me the link. Wonderful work, you're on my art wish list. Particularly love the masks.
aaron priskorn |
2011-12-08 14:43:45 |
nice work, kate! this is a nice site! will be seeing you soon!
Stephanie Ryder |
2011-11-15 16:03:18 |
HI, Cousin Kate! I love this website, it is a wonderful display of your work. And a great photo, too!